Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Cream-Cheese Swirl Brownies

Cream-Cheese Swirl Brownie

I accidentally bought an extra container of cream cheese a couple of weeks ago (for another project that I never accomplished), and had been brainstorming what baked good to use it in. I have yet to make brownies this entire year, and while surfing the countless recipes I have saved on my computer, I knew I had to make Smitten Kitchen's particular brownie.

Like every other baked good I have made, these barely survived the night. There were three when I checked the plate in the morning. Maybe, you all noticed a trend with my housemates?

Sea Salt Stuffed Nutella Cookies

Sea Salt Stuffed Nutella Cookies

National Nutella Day was on February 5th. Ever since I heard about this specific national food day, I've had nutella on my mind. I stumbled upon this recipe on foodgawker, and I couldn't resist this simple sugar cookie filled with a delicious nutella surprise. Now, almost a month later, I was able to fulfill my craving.

This recipe made exactly twenty nutella filled cookies, and the next morning there were only four left in my house. Let's just say they were a "giant" hit. Giant, being they were both absolutely delicious and large in size. 

Friday, February 24, 2012

Peanut Butter Moose Pie

Peanut-Butter Moose Pie

This past weekend it was one of my roommate's birthdays. Like every birthday, a cake is required. So far (although not documented on this blog), I have made birthday cakes for two other people, this one being my third. This particular birthday girl has a strong love for peanut-butter and chocolate, so it was fitting to find this delicious pair of flavors in cake form. 

Although this "cake," was technically a "moose pie," as I have coined it, it was absolutely delicious. While searching for recipes, all of the peanut-butter-chocolate cake variations seemed too rich and dense. When I stumbled upon the idea of making a moose, something I have never done, I considered it both a challenge and a great idea to avoid making a dessert that would be too dense.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Black-Bottom Cupcakes

Black-Bottom Cupcakes

Valentine's Day was on Tuesday. With two midterms, two tours, and an overwhelming amount of things to think about, I was stressed. Yet, I was also adamant to make these delicious chocolate-cream-cheesey treasures.

Luckily, this recipe calls for exactly twelve cupcakes, and instead of having to adorn each cupcake with frosting after they bake, the frosting bakes with the cupcakes!

Now, call me crazy, but I am not a big fan of frosting. Which is why, I absolutely love black-bottom cupcakes, since you are required to bake the frosting, while baking the cupcake simultaneously.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Ooey Goey Chocolate-Chip Cookie Bars

Ooey Goey Chocolate-Chip Cookie Bars

Simply, these cookie bars were very "ooey," and "goey," hence my name for them. Last Thursday, I had the biggest craving for a warm chocolate-chip cookie hit me. Immediately, I checked my long list of "favorites" I have stored on my browser, and chose this recipe. 

I cut this slab of chewy cookie into about 22 individual squares. After my roommates and friends came over, there were only five left-over for the next day. They loved them. All four of them being cookie-dough lovers, were "mm-ing" there way through these bars.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Homemade Oreos

Homemade Oreos

I was told this past weekend, "These are the best cookies you have ever made!" To justify my friend's point, I brought (around) all 30 cookies to a small dinner party that included five people this past weekend. The next morning, when I received the plate back, there were only two left. 

Monday, February 6, 2012

Salted Brown Butter Rice Krispie Treats.

Salted Brown Butter Rice "Krispie" Treats

In my family, rice crispy ("krispie") treats disappear like hot cakes. During the holidays and various birthdays, my Grandma always makes an assortment of delicious, unique, cookies and sweets. After hours of baking, the box of rice krispies always comes down from the cereal shelf, last, and after distributing her baked goods nicely displayed on a cookie tray, they are always first to go.

Sometimes, I think when people consider the art of baking, they assume it is a requirement to bake something complex and intricate. When really, it's the simplicity of food that makes it taste so good.